School Dinners


– We kindly ask you to avoid including nuts or any products that include nuts (including ‘nutella’) in any snack or lunch boxes as we have children in school that have nut allergies.

– Also, we kindly request if parents would be willing to cut any snacks such as grapes or tomatoes in half before they’re brought to school please.

School dinners and Healthy Eating

Hot dinners are provided at the school but pupils can choose to bring sandwiches if they so wish.  However, please note, for safety reasons, no glass bottles are allowed. We encourage healthy eating so no sweets are allowed in school. The children are supervised during the dinner hour by appointed supervisors and Learning Support Assistants.

The cost of a school dinner is £2.60/ day.

To order school dinners, you will need to use ParentPay –

Press “For Parents” to log in and to see FAQ. If you are ordering dinners for the first time, contact school for your password. If you have forgotten your login details, go to “How to add account recover details” under FAQ on

You will need to order meals before 20.00pm the previous night. You will not be charged if your child is absent from school.

Pupils in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have frees school meals. Year 6 will be entitiled to free school meals from 03/06/24.

It is hoped that children have been taught table manners, such as:-

  • no talking with their mouths full of food
  • no walking around whilst eating
  • no throwing food, or swapping food with each other
  • no dropping food to the floor.
  • It’s essential that your child uses a knife and fork correctly whilst eating.

Healthy Eating

Please ensure that your child’s packed lunch is a balanced healthy meal. Some families prepare a healthy pasta salad for their children with salad and pieces of fruit. There is a plentiful water supply in school so we discourage fruit juice and definitely no fizzy pop and sweets or chocolate bars.

Break time

The children are allowed to bring in fruit to eat at break time. If you could cut the fruit up before they come to school as this will ensure that they will actually eat and finish their fruit and not leave half of it so that they can go and play.

Free Milk

The Education Authority operates a free milk scheme for Foundation Phase children in accordance with Welfare Food Regulations 1988 (Rheolau Bwydydd Lles 1988).


We recognise the importance of drinking water regularly during the day. Mental performance improves by drinking water and children concentrate far better when they are not suffering from dehydration symptoms –thirst, tiredness and irritability. We have a water fountain in school and cups are placed by the sink in every class.

Ysgol Mynydd Bychan is a healthy school and we follow the Welsh Assembly guidelines for healthy schools. As such, we kindly ask you not to send birthday cakes in with your children in future.