
Regular and punctual attendance is a key part of every child’s education and is essential to ensure the effective running of the class and the school as a whole.

If a child is absent from school for any reason, the school should be informed immediately by contacting the School Office. Please note that informing the teachers of your child’s absence via Seesaw is not acceptable because the teachers may not see the message until later that day or even the following day. If we do not receive a message informing us of the reason for your child’s absence, then someone from the School Office will contact you.

There have very few absences without permission in our school and we aim to continue this trend. By now schools must, legally, keep a record of absences without permission – that is:

  • if there is no sufficient reason for the absence
  • if there is no explanation from parents or guardians for absence

Children are asked to be punctual. If a child is not present at registration it is counted as an absence, unless he or she has had prior permission. The children are expected to be at school by 9.00a.m.

No permission is given for holidays taken during term time. Your child will be marked as absent without permission.

We expect every child to aim for attendance of 100%. Remember that 90% is equivalent to an absence from school for one day every week or 19 days in a school year. The schools attendance target is 96.2%.

For more information, please see the School Handbook.